piemonte / PBJVision

📸 iOS Media Capture – features touch-to-record video, slow motion, and photography

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maximumCaptureDuration is not precise

ataranlen opened this issue · comments

I set up my sharedInstance of PBJVision with a maximumCaptureDuration as follows:

[[PBJVision sharedInstance] setMaximumCaptureDuration:CMTimeMakeWithSeconds(10.0f 600)];

The resulting PHAsset's duration is 10.025011337868481. (Another time it was 10.058344671201814, it varies)
This is causing a UIVideoEditorController's VideoMaximumDuration to trigger when set to 10.0f, requiring a fraction of a second to be trimmed off.

[videoEditor setVideoMaximumDuration:[YovoGlobalClass deviceMaxRecordingTime]];

thanks for reporting, duplicate issue for #90