picodotdev / alis

Arch Linux Install Script (or alis, also known as the Arch Linux executable installation guide and wiki) installs an unattended, automated and customized Arch Linux system.

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Deactivate root user

senekor opened this issue · comments

Is it possible to deactivate the root user and only have one regular user with root priviledges?

I can't figure out how to do it from the documentation in the alis.conf file.

It would already be a great improvement if the regular user could have root priviledges. I've now figured out that the regular user added by the script is already part of the wheel group, which is commonly used to give root priviledges. However, the wheel group is not activated in the sudoers file by the script, I have to manually edit the sudoers file after installation before rebooting. Of course, it could be done after rebooting, but that would be a bit more tedious.

Is it possible to add root priviledges to the wheel group with alis?

Hello @remLse, deactivate the root login can be an option to add, I would need to search how to do, can you search what configuration is needed to change or commands to execute to deactivate root login?

This line should activate wheel group in sudoers file, is this line you are talking about? is it not working?


Line 738 in 2d7fbda

arch-chroot /mnt sed -i 's/# %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL/%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL/' /etc/sudoers

Ah, I see. Yes, this line looks like it's exactly what I need. I had to do this manually. I have to investigate why it wasn't working. I'll get back to you when I find out.

The part about deactivating root is actually not important to me, I mainly just want to get root priviledges for my main user.

Thanks for taking the time to answer!

@picodotdev thanks a lot! 😊