picocss / pico

Minimal CSS Framework for semantic HTML

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blockquote RTL has border on wrong side

a-alhusaini opened this issue · comments

Describe the issue

The border on the blockquote elements is on the left side of the screen when the direction of the page is set to RTL. when it should be on the right side.

Expected Behavior

The border of blockquotes should be on the right side of the page when dir is set to RTL.

Reproduction URL

The RTL page of Pico's documentation demonstrates this issue clearly:


You can see how the border on the blockquote elementis on the wrong side.


What browser are you using? I see the border on the right side in Firefox and brave (chrome)

The cause of this was the Dark Reader chrome extension. Can something be done about this or does this fall out of the scope of the project?