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dnsmasq: failed to create listening socket for port 53: Address already in use

touhamii opened this issue · comments

After installing a fresh MX Linux XFCE and updating everything, I
1- installed pi-hole , restarted pc
2- changed my password for web interface and it didnt work until i manually go to Tools => Update Gravity,
i expected pi-hole to just work after booting my PC without touching anything but this is not a big issue , after that i tested everything works
3- However, the issue appeared after restarting the PC and attempting to "Update Gravity" ; it gave me the following error:
dnsmasq: failed to create listening socket for port 53: Address already in use
things i tried :
1- restarted pc multiple times
2- format my ssd again with fresh mx linux and fresh pi-hole but same exact issue

As the error message says, some other process bound to port 53. You need to figure out which process it is and stop it.
The debug log can provide this information (pihole -d).

thank you, i typed on terminal :
sudo killall dnsmasq
and now after i Update Gravity it works
i created a .sh file on my desktop :

/usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/killall /usr/sbin/dnsmasq
pihole -g
i will try to find a way to auto start this on boot

Instead of killing dnsmasq after it starts (on every reboot), you should try to disable it (or uninstall it), so it will never start.

I'm not sure how to disable a service in your Operating System (I don't know if MX Linux uses systemd, sysVinit or a different service manager). You can probably find this information in MX Linux forums.

i tried to unistall it didnt work , MX Linux is using SysV by default (and has systemd but i dont care i use default)