phpmyadmin / error-reporting-server

phpMyAdmin server side component for the error reporting system

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Collect user languages

nijel opened this issue · comments

This is server side counterpart for phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin#11790

We should collect reported user interface language and show that in stats.

Hi, I would like to work on this.

As I understand this issue, locale information is present in incident table, now we require to display it in stats and reports page

Please correct me if I am wrong.

Yes - It is in the incident table, it's shown on incident table, but is missing from the stats and error report page.

Hi @nijel
Please have a look at my merge request.

@nijel : I think the migrations to the database in the PR, have to be run on the production reporting server. It's showing an internal error.

I've executed them, it just needed some time:

Welcome to CakePHP v3.1.6 Console
App : src
Path: /home/reports/error-reporting-server/src/
PHP : 5.6.14-0+deb8u1
using migration path /home/reports/error-reporting-server/config/Migrations
using environment default
using adapter mysql
using database reports

 == 20160111023543 AddLocaleToIncidents: migrating
 == 20160111023543 AddLocaleToIncidents: migrated 2519.8206s

All Done. Took 2519.9032s