phpmyadmin / error-reporting-server

phpMyAdmin server side component for the error reporting system

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Notifications handling

nijel opened this issue · comments

I think notifications needs some rethinking. Seeing 2000 notifications which I have no way to get rid of is not really helping.

  • There must be way to get rid of all notifications (so that I can start with clean table).
  • Browsing, pagination, sorting and filtering of notifications should work.
  • There should be check all function on the notifications page.

Can you please send a screenshot or discuss your problem in a more detailed way ?

Perhaps the ability to drop reports for old/unsupported phpMyAdmin versions would also help?

Not sure if it's good idea, the issue might be still there... Anyway this issue is about notifications, which is quite separate topic from handling reports :-).

Fair enough :)