phpactor / vscode-phpactor

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Display type information on variable hover

BladeMF opened this issue · comments

When hovering variables, type information should be displayed:


hmm, you should see this


Nope. Nothing like this. I saw the twig that creates this.

But my code gets highlighted. Just no text. Not sure how to debug the calls to the language server.

Checking the logs should help.

Not really:

[2020-12-14 10:18:51] phpactor.DEBUG: pid:18519 Find process "'find' '/root/temp' '-mindepth' '1' '-newercc' '/tmp/amp-fs-watchmtnZO1'" done in 0.00 seconds [] []
[2020-12-14 10:18:52] phpactor.DEBUG: Resolving: Microsoft\PhpParser\Node\Statement\ClassDeclaration [] []
[2020-12-14 10:18:52] phpactor.DEBUG: Resolving: Microsoft\PhpParser\Node\Parameter [] []
[2020-12-14 10:18:52] phpactor.DEBUG:  OK [0.0000] "Folder1\Class2" with locator "Phpactor\Extension\LanguageServerWorseReflection\SourceLocator\WorkspaceSourceLocator" [] []
[2020-12-14 10:18:52] phpactor.DEBUG: Resolving: Microsoft\PhpParser\Node\Expression\Variable [] []
[2020-12-14 10:18:52] phpactor.DEBUG: Resolving: Microsoft\PhpParser\Node\Expression\Variable [] []
[2020-12-14 10:18:52] phpactor.DEBUG: pid:20126 Find process "'find' '/root/temp' '-mindepth' '1' '-newercc' '/tmp/amp-fs-watchsTfKMN'" done in 0.00 seconds [] []
[2020-12-14 10:18:52] phpactor.DEBUG: Resolving: Microsoft\PhpParser\Node\Statement\ClassDeclaration [] []
[2020-12-14 10:18:52] phpactor.DEBUG: Resolving: Microsoft\PhpParser\Node\Parameter [] []
[2020-12-14 10:18:52] phpactor.DEBUG: Resolving: Microsoft\PhpParser\Node\Expression\Variable [] []
[2020-12-14 10:18:52] phpactor.DEBUG: Resolving: Microsoft\PhpParser\Node\Expression\Variable [] []

Can I force the calls to be logged?
Is Phpactor\Extension\LanguageServerHover\Handler\HoverHandler the class that should handle it?

sooo, ::hover gets called, but the Promise doesn't get executed.

Fixed in #18