php-translation / symfony-bundle

Symfony integration for Translations

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[BUG] `translation:extract` The annotation "@suppress" ... was never imported.

Aerendir opened this issue · comments

Complete error

[ERROR] /Users/Aerendir/Documents/JooServer/Lab/Bundles/bundle-users/src/Command/AbstractUserCommand.php
Line: 23
Message: Could not parse class "SerendipityHQ\Bundle\UsersBundle\Command" for annotations. [Semantical Error]
The annotation "@Suppress" in property SerendipityHQ\Bundle\UsersBundle\Command\AbstractUserCommand::$user
was never imported. Did you maybe forget to add a "use" statement for this annotation?

The error is cause by the use of annotation @suppress that is used to suppress errors triggered by Phan (

The annotation hasn't to be imported.

Trying to debug the error, it seems it is triggered by Doctrine/Common/Annotations/DocParser.
It is finally added as error in PHPTranslation in Translation\Extractor\Visitor\Php\Symfony\ValidationAnnotation.

I've tried to add a simple condition like this:

        try {
            /** @var ClassMetadata $metadata */
            $metadata = $this->metadataFactory->getMetadataFor($name);
        } catch (AnnotationException $e) {
            if (false === strpos($e->getMessage(), '"@suppress"')) {
                $this->addError($node, sprintf('Could not parse class "%s" for annotations. %s', $this->namespace, $e->getMessage()));

                return null;

But obviously it doesn't work, as the variable $metadata is not created at all due to the exception:

In ValidationAnnotation.php line 86:

Notice: Undefined variable: metadata

So, it seems that is required to act on Doctrine DocParser...

Then, on Doctrine side, the DocParser has a useful option that permits to ignore some annotations: the ignored annotation don't throw any exception (Source: Doctrine/Common/Annotations/DocParser).

The question is: how to configure DocParser to ignore the @suppress annotation?