php-http / httplug

HTTPlug, the HTTP client abstraction for PHP

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naming of the virtual package

dbu opened this issue · comments

we currently say that adapters must provide php-http/adapter-implementation.

this should become php-http/httplug-implementation, right?

Nope, we discussed somewhere that it should be psr-client-implementation and methods-client-implementation

Indeed it is

we should decide this soon as it is one important step to make alpha usage possibile. its a blocker for php-http/HttplugBundle#8 for example.

so your suggestion is php-http/psr-client-implementation ? and php-http/methods-client-implementation for the convenience client with request factory built in? i am fine with that.

though with the HttpMethods trait i wonder if it makes sense to allow two kinds of client. i am afraid of the additional complexity and confusion this can cause. maybe we should declare the Psr and Method interfaces as not intended to be implemented standalone? and only have a single php-http/client-implementation?

just one example: what should the interface the httplug.client service promise? or should we have 2 services for the two kind of clients? if we want to keep the client with message-factory built in, i think we have to make it a mandatory part of every client.

Duplicate of #55?

yup, sorry