php-casbin / database-adapter

Database adapter for PHP-Casbin, Casbin is a powerful and efficient open-source access control library.

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Please implement FilterAdapter

pigochu opened this issue · comments


Becasue every request will query all data from casbin_rule, If i have many domain and user , the result will be very large.

I think FilteredAdapter may fix the problem , but I can not find any example for php version.
Anyone who has implemented it for mysql( or any database ) ? please provide it , thanks.

Conversation moved here from another issue: php-casbin/php-casbin#56


@pigochu Doctrine DBAL Adapter for Casbin, you can use this adapter.
It has implemented FilteredAdapter, BatchAdapter, UpdatableAdapter.

@techoner should we deprecate this adapter to let people use: instead?


@hsluoyz This repo can give users one more choice.

@pigochu Fixed by PR merged: #5


thank you all 👍

@techoner can you help release a new version to composer? Thanks!
