phopps / nightfall

Web-based 2D platformer Metroidvania game using Phaser and themed to nightlife.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



  • Web-based 2D platformer Metroidvania game using Phaser and themed to nightlife.
  • GitHub Repository

Table of Contents



  • User starts program
  • Load Intro Screen
    • Splash screen video for introduction to game
  • Load Main Menu
    • New Game: Create a new game save file and start a new run.
    • Load Game: Load a game save file and continue saved run.
    • Save Game: Save your current run to a game save file.
    • Lore: Read descriptions of game lore and terminology.
    • Settings: Adjust audio, graphics, and gameplay settings.
    • Exit: Quit the entire program.
  • New Game
    • Prompt user to input username



Install all Nightfall packages by running npm install or npm i.


Start Nightfall by running npm start.

  • Players start a new ‘run’ by picking their character class, and then choosing the first ‘server’ to hack into.
  • Each server provides randomized rewards, as well as clues that enable the player to finish each ‘act’.
  • If the player is able to successfully complete all 3 acts, they win that run, but only by unlocking and completing the 4th act will the player be able to move to the next ‘layer’.
  • Progression takes the form of ‘unlocks’, which are diegetic knowledge about how to find and utilize other pieces of hardware and software, giving players more strategic choices.

Restart Nightfall by running npm restart.

Stop Nightfall by running npm stop.

Start the Nightfalldevelopment environment by runningnpm run develop`.






  • The Jest testing framework is used alongside the concept of test-driven development.
  • Install Jest by running npm install jest --save-dev or npm i jest -D.
  • Once Jest is installed, open the package.json file, go the the scripts property, and update the value of the "test" property to jest.
  • Running npm test will run all tests in the __test__ folder, or npm test <filename> can be used to specify a specific test to run by replacing <filename> with the name of the test file.
  • Test suite files use the <filename>.test.js naming convention by replacing <filename> with the name of the file being tested.


  • Patrick Hopps
  • Jaquel Rey



  • Install Phaser via npm using npm install phaser
  • Phaser is on jsDelivr which is a "super-fast CDN for developers"
    • Include the following in your html: <script src="//"></script>
    • or the minified version: <script src="//"></script>

Metroidvania Game Jam Rules

  • Rules
    1. Assets should all be made during the jam period. General purpose code, designing, bases and models, placeholders, and story can be made before the start of the jam. Here's clarification.
    2. External assets can be used if you have the rights to and leave credit to the author when submitting in the "External assets" field when required. Of course, the assets you choose don't have to be made during the jam.
    3. Incomplete games are accepted, I would like to see them evolve if it's a project that you'll continue. So don't stress to make a complete game! But your submission should be playable.
    4. Teaming is accepted and there is no maximum team members.
    5. You are free to use any engine you want.
    6. The game needs to have a PG-13 rating or below. To be clear: no nudity, excessive swearing, no gore (for the subtilities of that one, refer yourself to these two posts: Post 1 and Post 2)
    7. Your game should be free! You understand that selling it will cut out your ratings. You can put it on a sale for the duration of the rating period and set it back to its normal price after that.
    8. I'm accepting late entries until 24 hours after the end of the submission period. In order to submit late, first publish your game to itch, and then send me the link, either on Discord or in the Community tab. Uploads will also be unlocked, so if you have a bug fix to publish, do it during this time!
  • Optional theme: Nightlife
    • It is voted on one week before the jam, and the theme is announced at the start of the jam.
    • You are free to use the theme or not, it is only for inspiration and won't affect your score.
  • Rating criteria
    1. Enjoyment: How did you like the game?
    2. Design: Includes a lot of things, like balance, level design, gameplay experience, creativity, etc. How was that?
    3. Presentation: Was the game delivered in a good way? How was the consistent aesthetic?
    4. Metroidvania: Does this game belong in this jam? Was the Metroidvania subtle or could you clearly say it was a Metroidvania?
  • Prizes
    • Top 2: $20~ Steam item
    • Top 10: Raffled giveaways & free/discounted courses (the first few courses will be in development after the jam)
    • Prizes will be rewarded to top jam contestants by
    • Join to be eligible for prizes!



Web-based 2D platformer Metroidvania game using Phaser and themed to nightlife.

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 98.5%Language:HTML 1.5%