phoenixframework / phoenix_live_dashboard

Realtime dashboard with metrics, request logging, plus storage, OS and VM insights

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Docs are out of sync with version 0.7.2

APB9785 opened this issue · comments


Make sure you are using the latest LiveView and Dashboard versions before continuing.

  • Elixir version (elixir -v): 1.14.2
  • Phoenix version (mix deps): 1.7.1
  • Phoenix LiveView version (mix deps): 0.18.16
  • Phoenix Dashboard version (mix deps): 0.7.2
  • Operating system: OSX
  • Browsers you attempted to reproduce this bug on (the more the merrier): Firefox

Use case

I have created a dashboard page for users of my gamedev framework
using the PageBuilder features as described in the 0.7.2 docs. However, these docs appear to have been updated prematurely, and are out of sync with the latest code I'm fetching from hexpm. As a workaround during development, I've been fetching the master branch of phoenix_live_dashboard from github, but this prevents me from publishing my library to hexpm.

Actual behavior

** (CompileError) lib/ecsx/live_dashboard/page.ex:131: undefined function live_nav_bar/1 
(expected ECSx.LiveDashboard.Page to define such a function or for it to be imported, but none are available)

Without using live_nav_bar I would get another error complaining that my dashboard page uses render instead of render_page

Expected behavior

Library compiles successfully when fetching phoenix_live_dashboard from hexpm

I have published the docs on top of the v0.7.2 tag once again. It may be the docs themselves are out of date though, which means they will be fixed in the next version.

@josevalim Is there an estimate timeframe for next version's release? The issue I'm having is that my library uses "0.7.3" features which were included in the 0.7.2 docs.

next version will be 0.8.0-dev. it will be out sooner than later but not estimate yet.