phoenixframework / phoenix_html

Building blocks for working with HTML in Phoenix

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phoenix_html 3.3 is breaking live_patch links

nicolasblanco opened this issue · comments

I updated a Phoenix 1.6 & LiveView 0.17 web application from phoenix_html 3.2 to 3.3 and discovered that it was breaking all the live patch links of my application. Basically when clicking on a live patch link, the browser is just reloading the whole page (and remounting the live view) instead of just soft patching the view.

Reverting to phoenix_html 3.2 fixed the issue.

Right now I did not have the time to investigate this issue more and I don't know if it's just related to LV 0.17 or some other dependency.


A quick glance at live_patch shows me it should work the same. Can you compare the generated HTML in both versions and let us know if they differ and how?

Yes, I confirm that the generated HTML of the link is the same between 3.2 and 3.3, the HTML of my links are looking like that:

<a data-phx-link="patch" data-phx-link-state="push" href="/stocks/TTE.PA" id="stock-link-c055b87d-6771-4a9a-8633-2eff3bbefa20">

I see that they are changes in the small JS snippet between 3.2 and 3.3

How could I check if this issue is caused by the JS?


I've made a diff between the whole HTML of the page between 3.2 and 3.3.

The only difference I can see is this one on data-phx-main attribute on the LV container :

On 3.2:

<div data-phx-main="true" data-phx-session="..." ...

On 3.3:

<div data-phx-main data-phx-session="..." ...

Yes, that difference should be fine and we accounted for it. I upgraded Livebook to Phoenix.HTML v3.3 and all of the live_patch works. So it may be something specific to your app. Please try to isolate the error.

LiveView 0.18 changed to hasAttribute instead of getAttribute, so you need to bump LV. Thanks!

LiveView 0.17.13 has also been published with the above fix