phodal / mooa

Mooa 是一个为 Angular 服务的微前端框架。A independent-deployment micro-frontend Framework for Angular from single-spa.

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Not able to find the latest version

nikhiljj2018 opened this issue · comments

Hey Phodal, I went through your article Micro-frontend Architecture in Action with six ways. I liked the article a lot. I went through mooa docs. When I saw the example. It looks like u upgraded the pages and mooa as well, but I check out the examples it looks like iframe version. Can you please help me I have 6 angular applications all deployed independently. I have to develop a shell where we can access the applications

just remove mode: 'iframe' config will be different

I tried creating angular project with version 8 and I added the rest of the code present in examples, it is through some error can you share the share the example repository which have angular 8?