phoboslab / JavaScriptCore-iOS

Apple's JavaScript Engine, with modified project files for iOS

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iOS8 JIT support?

pdobrev opened this issue · comments


Now that the webkit shipped with iOS8 supports JIT, can we also use a JIT-enabled version of JavaScriptCore? Do you have an idea if updating jsc to latest will pass Apple review?

I assume another option could be getting a JSContext from WKWebView and working with that (it should be JIT-enabled).


+1 Also very interested in this.

Yes, the real question is will it pass the AppStore review? ^^ I can certainly assist in testing this as I have an Ejecta app that we can update the JSC in.

Currently working on adding JITs to Android compatible version of JavaScriptCore.

The built-in UIWebView runs in a separate process in iOS8 which is whitelisted to use the JIT.

Updating to the latest JSC version will still not allow us to use the JIT. Hijacking a JSContext from WKWebView could work, though.