phlppschrr / TemplateStubs

ProcessWire plug-in: generates stub classes, providing IDE-support for Templates

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


ProcessWire module that generates stub classes for IDE support.

This is a useful tool for Template development for those using IDEs with static analysis, such as PhpStorm, NetBeans, etc.

The module generates a file named "stubs.php" in the TemplateStubs folder, so make sure this folder is write-enabled. The entire documentation file is rebuilt after saving a Template or Field, which adds overhead - do not deploy this module in production, this is a development tool only.

To make use of the generated stub classes, add an annotation to the top of your template-file - for example, in the top of your "basic-page" template, you would add the following:


 * @var tpl\basic_page $page

This should enable an IDE with static analysis to auto-complete properties of the $page object, defined by the Fields used in the Template.

Because everything is a Page in ProcessWire, the built-in templates for things like "admin", "role" and "user" will also be documented, which means you can have IDE support for internal templates in modules, for any custom user-fields, etc.

In addition, a special class (e.g. tpl\any) will be generated, documenting all available Fields - this may be useful in situations where you have code intended to work with all (or certain) Fields, e.g. any type of Page.


The output from this module looks like this:


 * Generated by TemplateStubs module 2013-04-14 11:20:10
 * This file may be overwritten at any time.

namespace tpl;

use Pageimages, Pageimage, PageArray, Page, Password;

 * "admin" template
 * @property string $title Title
 * @property string $process The process that is executed on this page. Since this
 *                           is mostly used by ProcessWire internally, it is
 *                           recommended that you don't change the value of this
 *                           unless adding your own pages in the admin.
class admin extends Page

 * "basic-page" template
 * @property string $title Title
 * @property string $headline Use this instead of the Title if a longer headline is
 *                            needed than what you want to appear in navigation.
 * @property string $summary Summary
 * @property string $body Body Content Yea
 * @property string $sidebar Sidebar
 * @property Pageimages|Pageimage[] $images Images
class basic_page extends Page

 * "permission" template
 * @property string $title Title
class permission extends Page

 * "role" template
 * @property PageArray|Page[] $permissions Permissions
class role extends Page

 * "user" template
 * @property Password $pass Set Password
 * @property string $email E-Mail Address
 * @property PageArray|Page[] $roles User will inherit the permissions assigned to
 *                                   each role. You may assign multiple roles to a
 *                                   user. When accessing a page, the user will
 *                                   only inherit permissions from the roles that
 *                                   are also assigned to the page's template.
class user extends Page


ProcessWire plug-in: generates stub classes, providing IDE-support for Templates