philnash / screen-capture

An exploration of screen capture in browsers.

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Screen sharing not working on live.

kamran-jabbar opened this issue · comments

First I setup code on local and launch the extension in store, that was working fine as expected on local.
After that, I deployed the app on AWS server and everything is working fine but screen sharing is causing some issue. I changed the extension id as well.
App URL:
Extension URL:
Error in the console:
How can I fix this issue ?
Any help will be appreciated.

Did you update the extension manifest to include your URL in the externally_connectable.matches array?

Issue found in extension manifest.json.
I forgot to replace
"matches": ["*://localhost/*"] to "matches": ["*://*"]
Please update file for those who don't know about extensions code.
Thanks for the quick help.

Glad to hear that worked. I’m actually on holiday myself right now, so if you could make a pull request to update the readme, that would be really useful! Thanks!

Ok sure, I am going to do that.

If you deployed the application on the live server then you have to update domain name of the deployed application in extension extension/manifest.json file.
externally_connectable.matches array ["*://localhost/*"] to ["*://*"] and launch the application in chrome web store.

Add it in the readme, thanks.