philipmulcahy / azad

amazon order history reporter chrome extension

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

NOV missing

Marow opened this issue · comments


Hi, when i try to get last 3month, i get data from 2023-10-16 up to today.
But all orders from november (11) are missing...

Also, is it getting the date arithmetic right? what do you see on the control popup while the scrape is happening - this is what I see shortly after clicking the 3m button:

Do the November orders get picked up if you scrape the whole of 2023?

I am not feeling the love here - is this a fire-and-forget in both github ticket and review form?
If you just want to complain without helping fix stuff, then just publish a flame on the review site with some swear words, and leave me alone - hopefully folks'll be able to gauge your credibility.

I am going to assume this is not a thing anymore.
If you are experiencing a similar issue, please post answers to the above questions in a new ticket, including console log.