phildini / thanks

Finding ways to fund the packages you use.

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Thanks should support multiple ways to specify packages to check

phildini opened this issue · comments

From discussion in #pypa on freenode:

It would be great if thanks <package name> just worked, even on packages that weren't installed locally.


@phildini were you thinking of following the pip cli api.

thanks -r requirements.txt
thanks package-name


So, here's my vision for the interface. All of these are listed in "order in which I would like to see them implemented"

  1. thanks with no arguments - looks at the results of pip list, fetches the funding data for everything it finds.
  2. thanks -r requirements.txt - looks only at the requirements.txt, fetches the funding data for what's listed there
  3. thanks {package_name} - fetches the funding data of a single package.

Note, when I say "fetches" here, I mean "should check locally first and then try to optionally hit PyPI"

Deep future:

  1. thanks -p Pipfile - does what thanks -r requirements.txt does, but on a Pipfile
  2. thanks -s - same, but on a