philadams-zz / habitica

Command-line interface to HabitRPG

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Questions about how best to add the ability to edit your checklists

robertpateii opened this issue · comments

Hey Phil,

Thanks for getting all those PRs merged and mine tidied up.

The next thing I'd like to add would be editing checklists. Probably just adding new ones and checking off existing ones.

Here's the commands I was thinking of adding:

check t <task-id>              Show a single todo and its full checklist
check t <task-id> <ids>        Check off the provided items within a single todo
check t <task-id> <name>       Add a checklist item to a single todo with the provided name
check d <task-id>              Show a single daily and its full checklist
check d <task-id> <ids>        Check off the provided items within a single daily
check d <task-id> <name>       Add a checklist item to a single daily with the provided name

also I'd try to add this as a separate module instead of cramming it into core. partly because i don't want to clutter core and also because i prefer to GPL my code and this way I can just apply it to the checklist module.

Does all this sound alright?

