phil-bergmann / tracking_wo_bnw

Implementation of "Tracking without bells and whistles” and the multi-object tracking "Tracktor"

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Trouble running

mizeller opened this issue · comments

Everything is installed as per README. Packages, folder structure, etc.. Now that everything is set up the command python experiments/scripts/ should work, unless there's something I need to adjust first.

This is the error message:

WARNING - test_tracktor - No observers have been added to this run
INFO - test_tracktor - Running command 'main'
INFO - test_tracktor - Started
ERROR - test_tracktor - Failed after 0:00:00!
Exception originated from within Sacred.
Traceback (most recent calls):
  File "/[...]/virtual_env_tracktor/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sacred/", line 61, in _non_unicode_repr
    repr_string, isreadable, isrecursive = pprint._safe_repr(
TypeError: _safe_repr() missing 1 required positional argument: 'sort_dicts'

Has someone else dealt with the same error?

Additional Information - folder structure including directories:

├── data
│   ├── 2DMOT2015
│   │   ├── test
│   │   └── train
│   ├── MOT16
│   │   ├── test
│   │   └── train
│   ├── MOT17
│   │   ├── test
│   │   └── train
│   ├── MOT17Det
│   │   ├── test
│   │   └── train
│   ├── MOT20
│   │   ├── test
│   │   └── train
│   └── MOT20Det
│       ├── test
│       └── train
├── experiments
│   ├── cfgs
│   ├── evaluation_tools
│   │   └── mot_evaluation
│   ├── logs
│   └── scripts
├── output
│   ├── faster_rcnn_fpn_training_mot_17
│   ├── faster_rcnn_fpn_training_mot_20
│   └── tracktor
│       ├── MOT17
│       │   └── Tracktor++
│       ├── MOT20
│       │   └── Tracktor++
│       └── reid
│           └── res50-mot17-batch_hard
├── src
│   ├── faster_rcnn_fpn
│   ├── tracktor
│   │   ├── datasets
│   │   │   └── __pycache__
│   │   ├── __pycache__
│   │   └── reid
│   │       └── __pycache__
│   └── tracktor.egg-info
└── tensorboard

Did you install the correct package versions under the correct Python version? This looks like this IDSIA/sacred#780 issue of someone running Sacred with Python 3.8. Our repository is tested for Python 3.7.

I installed all correct package versions, but as you mentioned have Python 3.8 running. I wasn't aware of the issue you referenced. I'll check it out and see if I can solve it for my case - otherwise re-try with Python 3.7. Thank you for your help!

Did you resovle the issue and can we close it?

Yes, thank you!