phihag / ipaddress

Python 3.3+'s ipaddress for older Python versions

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RPM packaging?

strizhechenko opened this issue · comments


I've this backport-library as dependency in my project with python 2.6 and 2.7 support. I want to package my project in RPM to ease shipping for RHEL/CentOS 6/7 users. So, I need to duplicate dependencies in .spec. So, I need RPM version of each dependency.

I don't want to bother you a lot with this "feature", but:

  • would you like to accept a pull request if I'll will do all the packaging routine?
  • Or maybe you already planned to do it?
  • And I also don't know who should be a maintainer of packaged PRM (I want to submit it to epel or somewhere else).

What do you think? (Sorry for poor english).

Coming from debian, my understanding is that normally the package specification is an individual repository. But if any changes are necessary, feel free to suggest them!

I have no plans to package this project for RPM, and don't use any RPM-based distribution regularly, so I am not available as a maintainer.

I'm closing this issue now, but feel free to post any further questions you may have.