phihag / ipaddress

Python 3.3+'s ipaddress for older Python versions

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FreeBSD port

NikolayDachev opened this issue · comments

Hi Philip,

I'm using 'ipaddress' in my python application 'jadm' which is freebsd jail framework. I want to make a freebsd port for easy distribution. In order to do that i should create freebsd ports for each missing python lib in freebsd ports

'ipaddress' is under PSF license in which is not clean for third part application can i ask you for you approval to create freebsd port for it. This port still will be with all current license / owner data for 'ipaddress'. Also you will be able to check it in github before submission.

For more information:

port bug:

jadm app:

If i cannot have your approval, i will change my code to not use it.


Hi, this project has spawned from a library in the main cpython stdlib, so I cannot change the license (although if it helps I'd certainly put my changes under BSD or so). Can you elaborate why the PSF license would not be clean for third part application, and what exactly a third part (third-party?) application is?

You don't see why you can't just copy whatever license information applies to cpython on your platform though.

My request was not to change the license, but if you will approve FreeBSD porting ( ) ? the reason way i ask is:
What about using third party Python modules that aren't part of the Python distribution?

Many of the third party modules for Python are released under similarly non-restrictive open source licenses. However, you should read the license and contact the respective authors for any clarification on allowed uses and requirements. The PSF has no legal authority over third party modules for Python.

So, i want to avoid any conflict.

My simple question is can I create FreeBSD port for 'ipaddress' which will be include in FreeBSD port distribution system?
As I say i'm not license expert bu i guess your approval will be enough.


You are very welcome to create a FreeBSD port for ipaddress. In fact, if there is anything I can do to help, please tell me.

You don't need my permission though; I think the PSF just wanted to stress that python libraries can be distributed under any license (including very restrictive ones like AGPL, or even proprietary). Therefore, you just need to have a look into the LICENSE file (which I neglected to add - I've rectified that) of the project.

Hi Philip,

Thank you, have a nice weekend.

