phdcoder / 360RAT

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

drawing 360RAT: 360 - ROI Annotator Tool


  • Tool to annotate spatially regions of interest for omnidirectional visual data in EPR.

  • Developed using Equirectangular-toolbox, OpenCV, PyQt5 5.15.4, and python 3.9.5.

  • If you use this software in your project, please site the repository:

     author = {Myllena Prado, Lucas Althoff, and Mylène Farias},
     title = {360RAT: 360 - ROI Annotator Tool},
     url = {},
     version = {0.1.0},
     year = {2021},



Download and Install:

  • After installing, go to prorgram folder:

     `cd 360RAT`
  • Execute the program:

     `python .\`

Virtual Machine:

  1. Dowloand the virtual machine from : Link to dowload

  2. Upload the file on virtual box (link to help upload a .ova file on virtual box)

  3. Start the Virtual Machine.

  4. Enter

    User: IEUser

    password: Passw0rd!

  5. Open powerShell

  6. Go to directory of program with the command:

    `cd C:\Users\IEUser\Desktop\360rat`
  7. Execute the program:

    `python .\`

Video Tutorial on "How to annotate a video":


The software outputs a folder with :

  • Annotated frames;
  • Black frames with ROIs shown in white;
  • Video frames with annotated ROIs drawn over original content;
  • CSV file with annotation data. This file can be used to later edit a video annotation. This CSV has the follow fields:
Field Description Options
Type Represent the type os ROI saved in csv 0 - Representing that row is a "Single ROI". 1- Representing one ROI which is part of "compose ROI". 2 - Representing that row is a complete "compose ROI"
Frame frame position during the video Number from 0 to total frame of video
ID ROI ID of ROI. The count of ID is independent to "single ROI" and "compose ROI". Number bagin on 0 and increase 1 with each new ROI annotated.
Center_point X X coordinate in the picture frame corresponding to the center of the ROI Ranging from 0 to 1. Representing the center of "single ROI" or the first ROI of "compose ROI"
Center_point Y Y coordinate in the picture frame corresponding to the center of the ROI Ranging from 0 to 1. Representing the center of "single ROI" or the first ROI of "compose ROI"
ROI H Horizontal ROI scale Ranging from 0 to 1.
ROI W Vertical ROI scale Ranging from 0 to 1.
Label Semantic classification of the ROI See file
Movement Movement of ROI along the frame and video. “True” when the ROI is declared to be moving across the frames, “False” when it is declared as static, “*” for the“single ROI”
Frame_end Frame position during the video Id of frame for type=2. ( Only present for type =2, otherwise equal 0)
Center_point_end X 𝑥 coordinate in the picture frame corresponding to the center of the ROI Ranging from 0 to 1.(Only present for type =2 otherwise equal 0.)
Center_point_end Y 𝑦 coordinate in the picture frame corresponding to the center of the ROI Ranging from 0 to 1. (Only present for type =2 otherwise equal 0)
ROI H Horizontal ROI scale Ranging from 0 to 1. (Only present for type =2 otherwise equal 0)
ROI W Vertical ROI scale Ranging from 0 to 1.(Only present for type =2 otherwise equal 0)


To decrease the fps or cut the videos you can use FFMPEG 4.4

Full release :

  • Change the fps:

     ffmpeg -i <input> -filter:v fps=30 <output>
  • Cut the video:

     ffmpeg -ss 00:01:00 -i input.mp4 -to 00:02:00 -c copy output.mp4
  • Change the resolution:

     ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf scale=480:320 output_320.mp4


License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%