phanthaithuc / ts-server

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TypeGraphQL Series

  1. Setting up type-graphql
  2. Register mutation
  3. Validation input
  4. Login mutation
  5. Authorization/Middleware (basic)
  6. Authorization (with roles)
  7. Confirming email
  8. Forgot/change password
  9. Logout mutation
  10. Testing with Jest
  11. Higher order resolvers
  12. updating...

TypeGraphQL setup

1. Installation

We use yarn for the project, so to start (initialize) you need to install yarn and then create the project folder mkdir typegraphql-server && cd typegraphql-server.

Next, we need to install express, a Node.js framework for building server. We also use Apollo libraries for writing GraphQL. Actually we use Apollo Client library which support TypeScript and Apollo Server which is a tool to build an API (Gateway) in Node.js

Apollo Server

Apollo Client is a tool helps you write GraphQL requests in frontend. In particular, we can write our queries, mutations as a part of the UI component (React, React Native, Angular, Vue). Another advantage is Apollo Client supports state management, which comes in very useful in big applications.

yarn add apollo-server-express express graphql reflect-metadata type-graphql

Also, we need to install the "typed" version of these packages so that we can use with TypeScript.

yarn add -D @types/express @types/graphql @types/node nodemon ts-node typescript

2. The tsconfig.json file

Then we create a tsconfig.json file to tell typescript how to compile our code.

  "compilerOptions": {
    "target": "es6",
    "module": "commonjs",
    "lib": ["dom", "es6", "es2017", "esnext.asynciterable"],
    "sourceMap": true,
    "outDir": "./dist",
    "moduleResolution": "node",
    "declaration": false,

    "composite": false,
    "removeComments": true,
    "noImplicitAny": true,
    "strictNullChecks": true,
    "strictFunctionTypes": true,
    "noImplicitThis": true,
    "noUnusedLocals": true,
    "noUnusedParameters": true,
    "noImplicitReturns": true,
    "noFallthroughCasesInSwitch": true,
    "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,
    "esModuleInterop": true,
    "emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
    "experimentalDecorators": true,
    "skipLibCheck": true,
    "baseUrl": ".",
    "rootDir": "src"
  "exclude": ["node_modules"],
  "include": ["./src/**/*.tsx", "./src/**/*.ts"]

Now we have enough resource for starting a server at src/index.ts. This is an Apollo Server, connecting to database PostgreSQL, or you can connect with REST API you already have.

import {ApolloServer} from "apollo-server-express";

const main = async () => {
// create apollo server instance
const apolloServer = new ApolloServer({
  // schemas
  // resolvers


3. type-graphql comes in

Our Apollo Server needs two basic elements: schemas and resolvers. Since we use TypeScript, we have to type these elements and this is when type-graphql comes in.

We will create a simple resolver, you can test with it to make sure everything works.

  • First we need to create a resolver, called Hello Resolver. It is a Query resolver since it just returns a string, not access to database.
  • Second, pass the resolver to the Apollo Server resolvers.
import {buildSchema, Resolver} from "type-graphql";

class HelloResolver {
  @Query(() => String)
  async hello() {
    return "Hello, world!";

const main = async () => {
  const schema = await buildSchema({
    resolvers: [HelloResolver], // an array of resolvers

  const apolloServer = new ApolloServer({

  const app = Express();


  app.listen(4000, () => console.log("server is starting on http://localhost:4000"));



To start our server, go to our package.json file and create a script start:

"scripts": {
  "start": "ts-node src/index.ts"

If you meet the error Reflect.getMetadata is not a function like me, we need to import reflect-metadata at the top of our server file.

import "reflect-metadata";
import {ApolloServer} from "apollo-server-express";

Now our server should be started up successfully, we can go to http://localhost:4000/graphql to check the graphql playground.

4. Register resolver

Create an user is a graphql resolver, not query like hello resolver, since we need to access our database (we use PostgreSQL).

We need an ORM to transform our JavaScript/TypeScript object into table so that we can store them in relational database. The tool we use is typeorm as type-graphql supports very well with it.

First, we need to install type-orm and packages for register mutation.

yarn add type-orm pg bcryptjs
yarn add -D @types/bcryptjs

In the root directory, we create a file called ormconfig.json for defining the connection how to connect to our database.

  "name": "default",
  "type": "postgres",
  "host": "localhost",
  "port": 5432,
  "username": "your-user-name",
  "password": "your-password",
  "database": "test",
  "synchronize": true, // enable our db auto create when launch
  "logging": true, // to see sql queries in our terminal
  "entities": ["src/entity/*.*"]

If you're new with PostgreSQL, check the article for how to install, connect to, and create use:

Next, we will create a connection from our server to database with these configs.

import {createConnection} from "typeorm";

const main = async () => {
  await createConnection();

Create User entity:

import {Entity, PrimaryGeneratedColumn, Column} from "typeorm";

export class User extends BaseEntity {
  @Field(() => ID)
  id: number;

  firstName: string;

  lastName: string;

  @Column("text", {unique: true}) // we don't want duplicated email in db.
  email: string;

  password: string;

So now when we start server again, it would create table for us. The next step is creating mutation for register user, we split the logic for CRUD tasks in modules/user/Register.ts folder, instead of writing inside the index.ts like the hello resolver before.

class RegisterResolver {
  @Mutation(() => User)
  async register(
    @Arg("firstName") firstName: string,
    @Arg("lastName") lastName: string,
    @Arg("email") email: string,
    @Arg("password") password: string
  ): Promise<User> {
    const hashedPassword = await bcrypt.hash(password, 12);

    const user = await User.create({
      password: hashedPassword,

    return user;

5. Validate input with class-validator

In a real application, when we allow user register, we also need to check whether the information typed in input fields are legal, for example legal email (unique or not), password length, username, etc.

We have 4 fields as parameters in register resolver, we will split these fields into RegisterInput file for validation (the structure folder here is called Fractal Pattern, you can check from the article:

class RegisterInput {
  firstName: string;

  lastName: string;

  email: string;

  password: string;

and in Register mutation, we just need 1 field which we can destruct it and get 4 elements in the register input:

@Mutation(() => User)
async register(
  @Arg("data") {email, firstName, lastName, password}: RegisterInput
): Promise<User> {

Now we can back to our RegisterInput field to validate:

import {Length, IsEmail} from "class-validator";

export class RegisterInput {
  @Length(1, 30) // the first name should be length from 1 to 30
  firstName: string;

  @Length(1, 30) // the last name should be length from 1 to 30
  lastName: string;

  email: string;

  password: string;

And we've done the validation for register input fields. You can come back GraphQL Playground and try yourself.

Notice: since we move the parameters of register function into other file, our register mutation in the playground should be something likes that:

mutation {
  register(data: { firstName: "", lastName: "", email: "", password: "" }) {

Display error message to client

If you try invalid input fields in register mutation, we would see graphql through an error which is an array. We just need the message to send it to the client, for example:

Invalid email/username/password

So you need to do something like "formatting errors", and type-graphql provide a function that handle this task for us.

const apolloServer = new ApolloServer({
  schema, formatError: formatArgumentValidationError

Now we back to our RegisterInput to config the error message for each field:

@Length(1, 255, {message: "Your message here"})

Custom decorator

Besides default decorators for checking input, we can also custom decorator for ourselves. In this example, we need to throw an error when client register with an already exists email (the email should be unique in our db).

@ValidatorConstraint({async: true})
export class IsEmailAlreadyExistConstraint implements ValidatorConstraintInterface {
  validate(email: string) {
    return User.findOne({
      where: {email}
    .then(user => {
      if (user) return false;
      return true;

export const IsEmailAlreadyExist(validationOptions? : ValidationOptions) {
  return function(object: Object, propertyName: string) {
      target: object.constructor,
      propertyName: propertyName,
      options: validationOptions,
      constraints: [],
      validator: IsEmailAlreadyExistsConstraint

In our RegisterInput, now we can use the decorator we've just created for the email field:

export class RegisterInput {
  @IsEmailAlreadyExist({message: "email already in used"})
  email: string;

For more details, we can check the docs of class-validator:

6. Login mutation

If register is allow user type their information, validate them and store it into our database, login is quite a bit more complex. Since we have to check user input, validate them and keep user login on every request, until they logout or the login session expired.

There two common ways to handle this task, JWT and session-cookie.


In the JWT token method, there are 3 different parts in a token, the middle part is the encrypted data, anyone can see the data. Compared with session where we have an id (sessionId) stored usually as a cookie in client (browser). When client makes a request, they send with the cookie in header and our server would look up and check in session data (Redis).

When we scale up later, we may need a load balancer to access multiple servers and these servers can access to a redis database.

A lot of people would call JWT as a stateless, means you don't need to store any data in backend, every data is encrypted in the body of the token itself. So we don't need to connect multiple servers to our redis since they maybe on different cloud, area...When you need to verify JWT toke, you can use a SECRET which you can share easily along servers. However, there are also some downsides which means the strength of session-cookie method.

If we store our data/sessionId in the server (Redis), it will be more private. The other advantage is when we need to store a bunch of data in a token, JWT maybe not a good choice since it would slow down in each request. On the other hands, session provides you just an id (maybe uuid) which would reduce the time sending requests to the server.

There is something I learn from Ben's video: that with JWT token, we have to wait until the token expire when we need to logout user or incase hacked account. Whereas with session, we can actually just straight remove the data from Redis.

In this series, we use session to handle user login data on every request, we also have a version for JWT in the future.

Back to our series, we use session-cookie to store user data when they login in Redis database. First, there are some packages we need to install:

yarn add connect-redis express-session ioredis cors
yarn add -D @types/connect-redis @types/express-session @types/ioredis @types/cors

Now we add session middleware and cors middleware to our server:

import connectRedis from "connect-redis";
import session from "express-session";

import {redis} from "./redis";

const app.use(
    credentials: true,
    origin: "http://localhost:3000",

const RedisStore = connectRedis(session);

      store: new RedisStore({
        client: redis as any, // redis client we create in redis.ts
      name: YOUR_COOKIE_NAME,
      secret: YOUR_SECRET_KEY,
      resave: false,
      saveUninitialized: false,
      cookie: {
        httpOnly: true,
        secure: process.env.NODE_ENV === "production",
        maxAge: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * 365, // 7 years, you can set how long you want

and we have a redis.ts file to create an instance of Redis (ioredis) for client to connect.

import Redis from "ioredis";

export const redis = new Redis();

// We can put the connection string in Redis if we don't like the default, incase we leave it as default.

So we've configured the Redis session for user login task, it's time to access and send the sessionId on every request. To do that, we need to pass it in context of Apollo Server.

const apolloServer = new ApolloServer({
  formatError: formatArgumentValidationError,
  context: ({req}: any) => ({req}) // now we can access the object Request in all of our resolvers

Ok, now let create login.ts file to handle user login task. At the starting point, you can copy/reference the file we create for register.

class LoginResolver {
  @Mutation(() => User, {nullable: true})
  async login(
    @Arg("email") email: string,
    @Arg("password") password: string
    @Ctx() ctx: MyContext // MyContext is the type we create for the context.
  ): Promise<User> {
    const user = await User.findOne({where: {email}});

    if (!user) return null;

    const isValid = await, user.password);

    if (!isValid) return null;

    ctx.req.session!.userId =;

    return user;

And don't forget to add LoginResolver into the Apollo Server in index.ts file. Now you can go to the GraphQL Playground to check the login resolver, however, you need to switch the request.credentials into include instead of omit. If you see your session appears in the cookie browser, you're successful.

7. Authorization

The authorization answers the question what client can do in our system. We can authorize by using rules like "ADMIN", "MODERATOR", "MEMBER", etc which depends on your application business. In this series, we use a basic role: "USER" which means the logged in users.

First, we use the @Authorize decorator for the field, query or mutation we want to authorize. Here is an example:

hello(): string {
  return "hello, world"

Next we need to create an auth checker function, again the roles are depends on business logic, so we just demo the very basic example:

const schema = await buildSchema({
  resolvers: [MyResolver],
  authChecker: ({root, args, context: {req}, info}, roles) => {
    return !!req.session.userId;

Here is an example from type-graphql for the authorization with roles:

Now there is another way to authorize which, I think, is more flexible than the previous method. Particularly we create middleware functions and pass them into the @UseMiddleware decorator before queries, mutations you want.

hello(): string {
  return "Hello, World!";

And the isAuth middleware can be looked like that:

import {MiddlewareFn} from "type-graphql";

export const isAuth: MiddlewareFn<MyContext> = async ({context}, next) => {
  if !context.req.session!.userId throw new Error("Not authenticated");
  return next();

The method we can create other middleware like isAdmin, isModerator, etc.

8. Confirm Email

In some systems, when user finish register, we send them an email to confirm the account before they can actually log in. To do this, we have a field in the User entity which contains



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