phansier / FlowReactiveNetwork

Android library listening network connection state and Internet connectivity with Coroutines Flow

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Gradle Dependency

caitlynoleykowski opened this issue · comments

Hey, is there any way to use this library via a gradle dependency rather than having to import the whole codebase?
I intended to use
implementation "com.github.andreysber:flowreactivenetwork:1.0.0"
but I see there is no release version.

Thank you

@caitlynoleykowski Thank you for interest. There is not yet. I will try to publish it soon.
You can take it as a git submodule or copy and include as a Gradle module now.

@caitlynoleykowski I have published the library in bintray. Now you can use it with
implementation 'ru.beryukhov:flowreactivenetwork:1.0.0'

@AndreySBer Thanks! I've tried to use
implementation 'ru.beryukhov:flowreactivenetwork:1.0.0'
in my gradle dependencies but it's not found.
Currently for repositories I have

repositories {
        maven { url "" }
        maven { url '' }

Do you know if there is something additional I will need to put for repositories so that it can find yours in bintray?

@caitlynoleykowski Thanks for your patience. There was a problem with initial publication.
As for the library is not published in JCenter yet, you should temporary add in your repositories:

maven {
            url ""

and use the 1.0.2 version.

There are plans to publish this library in mavenCentral as soon as one of the issues #5 #9 #10 will be merged.