pgvector / pgvector

Open-source vector similarity search for Postgres

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ERROR: extension "vector" has no installation script nor update path for version "0.6.2"

p2991459 opened this issue · comments

postgres=# CREATE EXTENSION vector;
ERROR: extension "vector" has no installation script nor update path for version "0.6.2"

After following below instructions I got above error while adding the extension to postgres,tried every possible way but seems there issue with the v0,6.2

cd /tmp
git clone --branch v0.6.2
cd pgvector
make install

the same issue here
ubuntu server
postgres 14
installed fine

SELECT * FROM pg_available_extensions WHERE name = 'vector'; shows I have the extension
but when trying to enable it with
CREATE EXTENSION vector; I get this error

the issue is resolved if i don't specify a specific release during cloning

Hi @p2991459 and @legaltextai, I'm not able to reproduce the error. I don't think it's an issue with pgvector, but if you create a new issue with the exact commands you ran to install pgvector, their full output (with any personal info removed), and the output of pg_config, I can look into it more (make sure you haven't manually copied any files).

@legaltextai If you don't specify a branch, you'll get a non-release version, which isn't supported and will likely cause issues when trying to upgrade.

I am not sure I can reproduce since it's installed and working fine now after I used just git + clone
We reproduced the errors above.
In my case, when I followed the original instruction, with the version, it got installed, showed in the list of extensions but when trying to enable, it showed that error.

I'd recommend dropping the extension (DROP EXTENSION vector;) and re-running the correct installation instructions from scratch (otherwise, you won't be able to upgrade ever).

It ocurrs to me, so I follow the next steps and it worked:

It ocurrs to me, so I follow the next steps and it worked:

It works !!