pgjones / tozo

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Command 'recreate-db' is not found in your path

arunkhattri opened this issue · comments

though it's a PdmUsageError, however couldn't find the solution. Hope you can help me out. Chapter 2, connecting to the database...

my pyproject.toml
recreate-db-base = "quart --app src/backend/ recreate_db"
recreate_db = {composite = ["recreate-db-base"], env_file = "development.env"}
test = {composite = ["recreate-db-base", "pytest tests/"], env_file = "testing.env"}

relevant section

def recreate_db() -> None:
    db_url = urlparse(os.environ["TOZO_QUART_DB_DATABASE_URL"])
    call(  # nosec
            f"DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS {db_url.path.removeprefix('/')}",
    call(  # nosec
        ["psql", "-U", "postgres", "-c", f"DROP USER IF EXISTS {db_url.username}"]
    call(  # nosec
            f"CREATE USER {db_url.username} LOGIN PASSWORD '{db_url.password}' CREATEDB",
    call(  # nosec
            f"CREATE DATABASE {db_url.path.removeprefix('/')}",

related to pdm ...

pdm info

PDM version:
Python Interpreter:
/home/arunkhattri/github/arunkhattri/tozo/backend/.venv/bin/python (3.11)
Project Root:

This looks to be a simple typo, @app.cli.command("recreate_db") should be @app.cli.command("recreate-db") (note the _ to - change). Please reopen if this doesn't solve the issue.

Thanks for buying my book.

pyproject.toml needs to be modified accordingly
recreate-db-base = "quart --app src/backend/ recreate-db"