pganalyze / pg_query_go

Go library to parse and normalize SQL queries using the PostgreSQL query parser

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Replace the SQL literals with placeholders "?"

dineshtessell opened this issue · comments

I am looking for a way, how we can achieve all the SQLValues to be replaced with the placeholders like "?".
Is there any example for it.

For example,
SELECT name, email FROM users, xyz WHERE name = 'John Doe' AND age > 30

Should be changed to
SELECT name, email FROM users, xyz WHERE name = ? AND age > ?

We are able to acehive this MySQL package as below, and for PostgreSQL we are looking.


package main

import (


func main() {
	// Example SQL statement
	sqlText := "SELECT name, email FROM users, xyz WHERE name = 'John Doe' AND age > 30;"

	stmt, err := sqlparser.Parse(sqlText)
	if err != nil {

	// Define a visitor function
	visitor := func(node sqlparser.SQLNode) (kontinue bool, err error) {
		switch node := node.(type) {
		case *sqlparser.SQLVal:
			fmt.Printf("Found literal: %s\n", string(node.Val))
			*node = sqlparser.SQLVal{
				Type: sqlparser.ValArg,
				Val:  []byte("?"),
		return true, nil

	// Traverse the AST using the visitor function
	err = sqlparser.Walk(visitor, stmt)
	if err != nil {


ubuntu@foo:~/sql_parser$ go run main.go
Found literal: John Doe
Found literal: 30
select name, email from users, xyz where name = ? and age > ?

@dineshtessell Thanks for reaching out! Have you looked at the Normalize function? (

That replaces literal values with parameter references ($1, etc). The motivation for using parameter references like $1 and not ? is for the query to remain parseable by the parser (? is an operator in Postgres, and thus introduces ambiguity into the query).

(side note: I just realized that the code comment for that function is out of date - we used to use ? a long time ago, but no longer do)

Thank you so much @lfittl. This truly helps

For others reference,

package main

import (

pg_query ""


func main() {
tree, err := pg_query.Normalize(SELECT name, email FROM "users", xyz WHERE name = 'John Doe' AND age > 30;)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%s\n", tree)

SELECT name, email FROM "users", xyz WHERE name = $1 AND age > $2;