pganalyze / collector

pganalyze statistics collector for gathering PostgreSQL metrics and log data

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"collector --test-explain" does not seem to work

beyondbill opened this issue · comments

I followed the instruction to set up EXPLAIN PLAN but the final testing step does not seem to work

Ran this

➜  ~ kubectl exec -n pganalyze-collector-staging -it pganalyze-collector-staging-86cfdc446d-zcmkk sh
kubectl exec [POD] [COMMAND] is DEPRECATED and will be removed in a future version. Use kubectl exec [POD] -- [COMMAND] instead.
/go/src/ $ ps
    1 pganalyz  5:53 /home/pganalyze/collector --statefile=/state/pganalyze-collector.state --no-log-timestamps
  116 pganalyz  0:00 sh
  123 pganalyz  0:00 ps
/go/src/ $ /home/pganalyze/collector --test-explain
2021/10/15 14:13:31 I Running collector test with pganalyze-collector 0.40.0
/go/src/ $ /home/pganalyze/collector --test-explain
2021/10/15 14:23:49 I Running collector test with pganalyze-collector 0.40.0

But still getting this after 30 min and several snapshot uploads

@beyondbill Are you still running into this issue? (I believe we may have also talked about this in a support ticket)

@lfittl Yeah I just reproduced the issue. Sorry for the late response. I was on leave. Also did not see a support ticket for this.

@beyondbill Odd - could you open a new support ticket on this? It might be best if we do a screen share to debug the issue. (and welcome back from your leave!)

Closing this since --test-explain should work correctly--if you're seeing any issues here, please reach out to pganalyze support.