pft / mingus

GNU Emacs control of Music Player Daemon (MPD)

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Flickering througout all Emacs-windows.

karahobny opened this issue · comments

Couldn't find any open nor closed issue on this matter, might have missed some obvious hints to be honest so feel free to disregard this if it seems like a problem which has a solution lying already somewhere; but any open mingus-buffer on any window causes global flickering on all windows (currently using exwm so it does even affect windows like exwm opening a chrome-instance.)

I gather it's related to updating the elapsed time on a track, but considering how paradox.el flickers on its own, related to it's asynchronous package-updating, -installing and -executing as far as I know, yet it doesn't affect any other buffers while refreshing its buffer.

I could thus imagine this problem should be atleast handled one way or another. (I should look what happens, if it's even possible, when I'd forgo letting mingus update it's buffer, until atleast a song change.)

I currently have configuration set as following, I hope it's not the cause, since it has been the only way to deal with mingus not handling frame-resizing etc. correctly.

(defadvice mingus (after organize ())
  "Refresh and goto current song after entering mingus."
(ad-activate 'mingus)

(use-package mingus
  :defer t
  (require 'mingus-stays-home))

This appears to be a duplicate of #26, I hope to have time to fix this at some time in the future, but I can't make any promises - when I delved into it, I remember it was quite involved - and I do not have much time at the moment.

oh how did i miss that issue, especially considering how there's only 6 open issues. i might take a look at this issue, but i'm more of a scheme guy than emacs- or common-lisp. ill put up a PR if i ever stumble upon a solution to this.