pfirsich / makelove

A build tool for löve games

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Android builds.

MikuAuahDark opened this issue · comments

Android deployment is something that needed too. You can use this method as reference or as your building block:
I wrote that wiki page so if you have any questions just tell me.

However, Android deployment require user to have keystore. Self-signed certificate/keys are fine in Android as long as the APK is signed. So I think when adding Android support, keystore must be specified. For signing, can be used.

For changing the APK icon, you need ImageMagick or anything that can resize PNG images.

I have never shipped a game on Android and don't intend to. I do not have any dev environment set up for it either, but I would be happy if you worked on this and created a PR! For resizing the image you can use PIL, which I already do in parts of the code instead of relying on an external tool.

For keystore it can be generated quite easily if speaking about self signed .

keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias android --dname "CN=John Doe, OU=Developer, O=Indie Developer, L=California, ST=CA C=US" -keystore keystore.jks -storepass password -validity 3600 -keysize 2048 -deststoretype pkcs12

java -jar apk-tool/uber-apk-signer-1.1.0.jar --ks keystore.jks --ksAlias android --ksKeyPass password --ksPass password -a ./SuperGame.apk