pevey / sveltekit-vendure-starter

Starter project to help you create your Vendure-powered ecommerce application. This version of the starter has the client (browser) make requests to your Vendure backend server. For a SvelteKit starter that makes request to the Vendure backend through the SvelteKit app, see

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

SvelteKit-Stripe entry in package.json error

ccraig opened this issue · comments

Running yarn install failed due to this entry in the package.json
"sveltekit-stripe": "file:../sveltekit-stripe",

I changed it to this and it worked just fine
"sveltekit-stripe": "^3.1.3",

P.S. I found this project by watching your SvelteKit MedusaJS video, tried out the sveltekit-medusa starter, and then seeing you mention your switch the Vendure. So I'm taking your advice and giving Vendure a try!

Thanks for letting me know. I pushed my latest changes, which includes a fix for this, but there is a new issue with the graphql codegen not working in watch mode. Something in the latest package updates is causing it to crash. I'll leave this issue open for now.