pettarin / epub3reader

EPUB3Reader Android App

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Change all memory path to external microsd

norani opened this issue · comments

I want this app to only use the external microsd instead of internal storage. So I changed the path which is Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()); to /storage/microsd .

The problem is in, after I changed the
public static String location = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/epubtemp/";
public static String location = "/storage/MicroSD/epubtemp";
-User click Open Book 1>Select Book>Selected book not opened(it remains the same like no action taken)

check whether the path you specified "/storage/MicroSD/epubtemp" exist,
Missing the "/" at suffix may be the problem,
Check with this : public static String location = "/storage/MicroSD/epubtemp/";

I checked the path but it not existed, so I manually create a folder named "epubtemp". I put "/" at suffix. But it still not open the selected book. But I think I should not manually create the "epubtemp" folder because it should be auto-created the "epubtemp" through programmatically. Does it relates to write permission for microsd?