pettarin / epub3reader

EPUB3Reader Android App

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Regards Enhancement in Paging rather then vertical scroll

himanshumistri opened this issue · comments

Hello ,

I have test you app and i found it very use full to me for my epub 3.0 book ,but only thing i want to known from you is when to move to my book's first chapter .it load one xhtml ,so you have idea how i can making paging from that xhtml while loading it in WebView.

Thank you for the feedback.

I am not sure if you are asking a) if we are going to support pagination; or b) how one can obtain pagination in a WebView-based Android app.

With respect to the first question, pagination is not at the top of our TODO list.

With respect to the second question, you need to manipulate the HTML loaded into the WebView, using the appropriate CSS directive. Have a look at readium.js or projects for examples on how to achieve it.

I am sorry, but the project is in a standby state, as no student is working on it now.