petrhruby97 / learning_minimal

Learning to Solve Hard Minimal Problems

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Copyright / License Notice

rfabbri opened this issue · comments

Dear Petr Hrubý,

Congratulations for your great work. I am glad to see source code derived from MINUS ( being widely useful. However, there are licensing issues that need to be addressed.

MINUS has an explicit LICENSE file in its sourcecode:

Which mentions explicit copyright and conditions to be met:

MINUS - MInimial problem NUmerical continuation Solver
Released under the BSD 2-Clause License:

Copyright (c) 2019 Ricardo Fabbri, Anton Leykin and Timothy Duff

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

  1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
    list of conditions and the following disclaimer.

Your path tracking source code in:

int track(const struct track_settings s, const double s_sols[9], const double params[40], double solution[9], int * num_st)

Derives from MINUS source code in:

There is a number of other places that the code derives from MINUS, but the license conditions have not been met. For instance:

Your source code in:

struct minus_array

Derives from MINUS source code in:

Your source code in:

inline void evaluate_Hxt(const double * x, const double * params, double * y)

Derives from MINUS source code in (different evaluator, but same code style):

The specific programming practice used in MINUS was the outcome of my efforts to optimize Homotopy Continuation. Therefore, the resulting style and C/C++ constructs are unique and traceable.

Please realize that I admire your work, I am just reminding you that the LICENCE conditions be met. In addition to the aforementioned legal LICENCING terms, I would like remind you that it is good scholarly practice to kindly credit the sources of your work in the README.

Thank you for your work, I will for sure use it myself and cite it.
Ricardo Fabbri

Dear Ricardo Fabbri,

Thank you for noticing me about the license issues. I have added the license file into the repository. Is it OK now?

Petr Hrubý