peterwmwong / cell-starter-project

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Hit the ground running by starting out with this project. Develop, test, and build. It's all here.


2 - Get dependencies

> make deps

3 - Start the compilers

# In another terminal
> script/stylus-compiler --watch

# In another terminal
> script/coffee-compiler --watch

This will compile .styl to .css and .coffee to .js. File changes will automatically be recompiled.

4 - Start the dev server

# In another terminal
> script/server

In a browser, visit http://localhost:3000/index-dev.html

5 - Develop the next big thing

Running Specs from the browser

> make browser-specs

# If the server isn't running...
> script/server

Visit http://localhost:3000/spec-runner/

Running Specs from the command line

> make specs

Building for production

> make clean; make

In a browser, go to http://localhost:3000/index.html.

The Stack

index.html vs index-dev.html

index-dev.html is for development time (and fast prototyping). To avoid a time consuming concatenation and minification steps (on top of compiling Coffee and Styl to JS and CSS) everytime a change is made, JS Modules and CSS are loaded individually. Also, it is easier to navigate and debug the code in browser developer tools. Unfortunately, loading each JS and CSS file individually is not suitable for production for a performance reasons...

index.html is for production. It references src/bootstrap.js and src/bootstrap.css which is the concatenation and minification of all the necessary JS modules and CSS files.

Having these 2 files may go away as advancements in tooling and browser support of sourcemaps develops.



Language:CoffeeScript 81.4%Language:JavaScript 10.1%Language:Ruby 5.3%Language:Shell 3.2%