petersn / nntb

Experiments with teaching a deep convolutional network to memorize Chess endgame tablebases.

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Deep Residual Chess Tablebases

The goal of this project is to experiment with how well CNNs can learn Chess endgame tablebases. Some questions of interest:

  • What sort of asymptotic accuracy can one achieve?
  • How much model capacity does it take to learn these tablebases? (i.e., what is the asymptotic accuracy as a function of model size?)
  • How quickly do we learn them?
  • How well do we generalize to a more general chess value function just from endgame training?


  • Python 2 or Python 3 (should hopefully be compatible with both).
  • python-chess (installable with: pip install python-chess)
  • TensorFlow (GPU installation is non-trivial. Follow some guide from Google. If you're okay with training on the CPU pip install tensorflow should suffice.)

Finally, you must have the Syzygy tablebases downloaded somewhere. You can download them via this torrent (~1 GiB).


If you just want to try the default network architecture simply run and pass it the path to the Syzygy tablebases:

$ python --syzygy-path ~/Downloads/syzygy/
Got arguments: Namespace(blocks=8, conv_size=3, filters=64, final_conv_filters=3, fully_connected_layers='128,3', initial_model=None, learning_rate=0.001, learning_rate_half_life=10000.0, minibatch_size=256, model_output_dir='models/', no_save=False, nonlinearity='relu', save_interval=10000, stats_interval=200, syzygy_path='/home/snp/Downloads/syzygy/', test_sample_thousands=10)
Initializing model.
Model parameters: 622598

Generating test sample.
Beginning training.
  Loss: 1.160830  Accuracy: 25.16602%
Saved model to: models/model-001.npy
Steps:   200 [time:  0:00:24 - useful time:  0:00:09]  lr=0.000986  Loss: 1.142267  Accuracy: 42.92969%
Steps:   400 [time:  0:00:48 - useful time:  0:00:18]  lr=0.000973  Loss: 1.451355  Accuracy: 31.90430%
Steps:   600 [time:  0:01:13 - useful time:  0:00:27]  lr=0.000959  Loss: 1.989292  Accuracy: 35.56641%
Steps:   800 [time:  0:01:37 - useful time:  0:00:36]  lr=0.000946  Loss: 0.522442  Accuracy: 81.17188%
Steps:  1000 [time:  0:02:01 - useful time:  0:00:45]  lr=0.000933  Loss: 0.469151  Accuracy: 81.13281%
Steps:  1200 [time:  0:02:25 - useful time:  0:00:54]  lr=0.000920  Loss: 0.400564  Accuracy: 86.01562%

Models will be saved every 10,000 steps into models/.

Once you have trained a model you can test it out on example positions as follows:

$ python --model-path models/model-002.npy
> k7/8/1Q6/1p2K3/8/5n2/1r6/8 w - - 0 1
  Win:   87.360%
  Draw:  11.863%
  Loss:   0.777%
> k7/8/1Q6/1p2K3/8/5n2/1q6/8 w - - 0 1
  Win:   39.148%
  Draw:  48.989%
  Loss:  11.863%

Note that you must pass exactly the same model architecture options into as when you invoked, as currently the model files do not store the architecture.

It's valid to feed in positions with more than 5 pieces, even though the network has never seen any such positions in its training.

Experiment with the architecture!

You can tune all of the various architecture parameters (number of blocks, number of filters, fully connected layers, type of non-linearity, etc.) by passing various options to To see a full list simply run --help.

The current default network architecture is extremely similar to Leela Chess Zero:

  • 6 input planes for our pieces, 6 for their pieces, 1 of all ones.
  • A batch-normalized convolutional layer to some number of filters to begin the "tower".
  • Some number of stacked residual batch-normalized "blocks", identical to those from AlphaZero or Leela Chess Zero.
  • A fully connected "win/draw/loss" head, analogous to the value head from AlphaZero or Leela Chess Zero, except ending in a softmax over (win, draw, loss).

To completely change the model architectures, see


Experiments with teaching a deep convolutional network to memorize Chess endgame tablebases.


Language:Python 100.0%