peterljq / OpenMMD

OpenMMD is an OpenPose-based application that can convert real-person videos to the motion files (.vmd) which directly implement the 3D model (e.g. Miku, Anmicius) animated movies.

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About 3d-pose-baseline-vmd IndexError

opened this issue · comments

while following the instruction and trying to run OpenposeTo3D.bat, after inserting the number of people, the program keeps throwing out IndexError, such as
File "src/", line 74, in read_openpose_json
_tmp_data = data["people"][idx]["pose_keypoints_2d"]
IndexError: list index out of range
File "src/", line 110, in read_openpose_json
_tmp_points[n][_data_idx] = _tmp_data[o]
IndexError: list index out of range

Any ideas? I'm really confused
I've try different tensorflow and cuda versions, the problem remains.

请再复查下第一步的OpenPose是否能正常运行,是否下载并调用了Google Drive链接里的全套Pretrained Parameter呢?




HI哥们我遇到一个类似的问题,能不能加 Q请教一下:564303494 微信:lsm2424634754