peterhaneve / ONIMods

Peter Han's mods for Oxygen Not Included

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ModUpdater crashes upon startup

aantono opened this issue · comments

I've disabled all of my mods, leaving just the ModUpdater. Ensured it is on the latest version -
The game consistently crashes upon startup with the following error:

MissingFieldException: Field 'KMod.Mod.file_source' not found.

(wrapper dynamic-method) KMod.Manager.KMod.Manager.Subscribe_Patch1(KMod.Manager,KMod.Mod,object)
KMod.Steam.UpdateMods (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] added, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] updated, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] removed, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] loaded_previews) (at <d1b7643456214f4e8c00f70e3a2b4469>:0)
PeterHan.ModUpdateDate.SteamUGCServiceFixed.Process () (at <f5898a445a11482fa99aef0226183cb1>:0)
PeterHan.ModUpdateDate.ModUpdateDatePatches+SteamUGCService_UpdatePassive_Patch.Prefix () (at <f5898a445a11482fa99aef0226183cb1>:0)
(wrapper dynamic-method) SteamUGCService.SteamUGCService.Update_Patch1(SteamUGCService)

Build: U49-577063-S

I tried to put the ModUpdater first on the mods list in the Mods menu, but that didn't make any difference.


Interestingly enough (even un-subscribing and re-subscribing to the mod in Steam didn't update the version). After digging in the directories, I found Documents\Klei\OxygenNotIncluded\mods\updates\ archive, which contained the real version The one in the mods\Steam was actually versioned, despite me explicitly unsubscribing and resubscribing in Steam.