petergarnaes / Madklub-website

Website for planning and coordianting comunal dinners. Written in Node.js and React. Implements a GraphQl API. Built with Webpack

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Madklub Web App


Website for arranging comunal dinners with the people you share a kitchen with in a kollegium. Users can sign up to cook meals, and participants can bring guests and cancel. Cooks can modify meal description, and complete shopping, which disables further changes to participation.

The webiste offers a custom frontpage, depending on if the user is a participant or cook, where you can perform the most common actions relataed to dinners.

There is also a calendar view where dinners can be browsed in a calendar and dinners are color coded to quickly see the status.

Utilized tech

  • Webpack - all-in-one tool for bundling, transpiling using babel and hot reloading code
  • Babel - Transpiles React classes in es6 style and es6 features in general to es5 (which can run in browsers)
  • Node.js - Server running javascript, good for light weight thread work (ie. normal website work) and ideal for Universal Apps with server side rendering to deliver an optimal experience. Very mature environment with many tools for everything from internationalization, authorization to API.
  • Express - Makes Node.js way more practical, by using middleware. Makes stuff like authorization and routing outside the App a breeze.
  • React - UI component library, and thanks to babel we can write them with .jsx decorators, making it readable and more declarative.
  • React Router - Easy in-app routing with built in history handling. Very declarative, builds upon the strengths of react.
  • Redux - Flux implementation, making the app even more modular and functional
  • Bootstrap - Predefined CSS and components with great options for customizing get a beautiful website. Antd (ant design) is an alternative, seems very similar, only a few components differ.
  • GraphQL - An API supporting queries, so changes in frontend data dependencies does not require changes in backend API. Also ensures we never overfetch, or make multiple API calls for one page.
  • Apollo - Easy way to declare data dependencies for individual react components, and constructs the GraphQL query for you when loading the components, as well as call the GraphQL API to provide the data. Also plays nice with Redux.
  • JWT - Smart way to deal with tokens and login sessions for the app.
  • Passport - Authorization middleware, with possible Facebook integration!
  • bcrypt or scrypt - Encryption and salting tool for storing passwords.
  • sequelize - Construct queries in javascript, use promise chaining to easily construct transactions depending on multiple dependent mutations.
  • graphql-sequelize - Can with a given sequelize DB model help you construct your graphql schema and resolve graphql queries into sql queries.

Things to consider

  • All of app stylesheet is statically included in header, so the site does not flash unstyled. Ideally we have critical rendering path which is possible with either container stuff or a more self implemented way doing stuff with css modules and load them like in react-redux-universal-hot-example. This should be an experimental afterthought, as static will be fine. We need to define a custom stylesheet that does not include style for components we do not use. For production we should also minify the css which css-loader is capable of.
  • Use above the fold rendering, to defer some rendering to client side. Could be useful for all the less important stuff on a page, or just expensive stuff that would make the page hang, for example a complicated graph or something. In that case a loading icon is better. Ideally we could package it so Server Side checks for above the fold, while client does not waste time checking. Check if async server side has exactly this effect, I think it might have. If it has, we should expand the functionality so that we can prefetch in html header regardless, for slightly faster client side render when we defer.
  • electrode-react-ssr-caching. Is a way of cahing and templating simple react components, so the javascript does not need to run every time we render the component. A great example would be our navigation bar, which is static except for the username. This library supports templates with simple prop replacements, so the navigation bar could be rendered a lot faster.
  • Pre-cache remaining routes using service workers, see sw-precache
  • Maybe use node-ensure for synchronous SSR of components instead of our complicated setup?
  • Consider HTTP/2 server push, so assets can be sent along with request for page, for better load speeds.
  • HTTP/2 + preload should be implemented, try and see how fast and how little waterfall we have with HTTP/2. We could also use the preload system to figure out what to push. Use spdy on npm to do HTTP/2.
  • HTTP/2 does not seem worth it, slightly faster but not fully supported.

Notes about the project

Setup Test Environment


Node 6.0 required, as well as a sqlite driver for test database.

Starting the test server

To get going with the development server, first install dependencies with npm install. Then simply run npm run-script start-dev-server. This will start the development server on port 3000. This setup includes hot reloading of react components, so styling and development should be very fast.

Test data

To get some test data into the system, when the sequelize db is syncing change force to true and uncomment testDb(db) first time you start the server. Then you can change it back, as it will be there forever.

If you don't change it back, it will overwrite it on every restart, which makes testing mutations hard.

Another way is to build for production, by running npm run-script build-server and then node dist/test_db.js.

Testing environment

Changes to the server and anything in the server folder will trigger a re-bundling of the server. This is slow compared to hot-reloading, but still great for prototyping the server.

Notice that changes to app folder triggers rebundling of client side bundling. This is not the same as server side, so when refreshing you will not get a page you just made, but when bundle arrives you will. The console will probably also warn you your server side rendering is misbehaving, but don't worry! Just re-bundle the server.

Differences from production

In order for hot module reloading to work, all of the app has to be loaded synchronously. This means we do the same sync/async swap as we do to make the server render async components. No code splitting at all.

As for css, we use the css loader which loads css through javascript. This makes sure css is loaded on HMR. In development it is not bundled and sent separately, as we do in production.

Project structure

Mostly clear... This is so far:

  • server: Contains all server specific code. Contains GraphQL specific code, passport schemes and database configs. To level shema is in schema.js
  • server/api: Contains GraphQL specific code, as well as database configuration.
  • server/api/db: Database configuration, uses sequelize to set up and call an SQL database. index.js exports the sequelize shema of the entire DB, to easily construct the GraphQL shema and resolve with graphql-sequelize.
  • server/api/types: Contains our defined types, which is the meat of our schema.
  • server/api/queries: Top level types in our schema, to simplify schema.js greatly. Also contains queries that are not representations of the database, like current user session info, potentially user settings or server info.
  • server/api/mutations: Contains all mutations possible in our schema.
  • client: Contains client specific code. As of now it simply contains the browser specific setup for rendering the app. Browser specific is setting up history with the router, getting initial store state from HTML header sent from server into Redux, setting up Apollo and such.
  • app: Folder containing the app, ie. the shared code between client and server.
  • app/components: Contains a folder for each component in the app. As of now each folder will mostly just contain the index.js file, as it can all be contained within the app. Here everything from Redux/Apollo containers to mapDispatch happens, as well as UI.
  • app/actions: Files with methods for producing actions of different kinds.
  • app/reducers: Reducers that can with any given action and state produce a new state. New state should be copy, ie. reducer is pure. They are all exported in app/reducers/index.js, and combined on both server and client to form the entire state.
  • app/public: Public assets like images, .svg's etc. Copied when building app.
  • app/themes: Holds the styling (css) of the app.
  • app/async: Holds utilities for asynchronous loading. Does not need to be changed unless behavior of asynchronous components change.

Building App

When running npm run build as of now, the app will be built in the dist/public folder. The idea is that the files there is the complete client side app. For production, names include chunk hash, with means they change and can be cache busted on updates.

Server is also transpiled and bundled with webpack. For production build, uglifying and no hot reload can be used exactly like with client, but with target: node of course, as we see in The server is put in dist/backend.js.

To put into production run these commands:

  • npm run-script build: Will build all client side assets, ie. vendor code, async chunk, css etc.
  • npm run-script build-server: Will build server
  • node dist/backend.js: Will start production server


Security is a key concern, and there are many pitfalls. This app goes for a stateless authentication, as this is the simple and most flexible model for the user.

  • HTTPS - A users interaction with the web page should be encrypted. Use lets encrypt (or something?) for free HTTPS? This also ensures no Man in the Middle attacks that can sniff up JWT token.
  • passport - Allows using various strategies to verify users credentials. This way a company with more means and experience in protecting users information can be used.
  • bcrypt - Strong password encryption with salt for local password storage.
  • JWT - Authentication token tool, for safely encrypting a json object and using it as the authentication token. When this token is sent to the server we can decrypt it and retreive user ID, so successful decryption is equivalent to authentication of the user with the decrypted user ID. Timestamp and expiration is handled by library. We only transfer this token over https ie. secure: true, and it is httpOnly because we might as well.
  • Dealing with CSRF - We use the Double Submit Cookie pattern, which together with same-origin policy (default) ensures that it requires JavaScript to make a valid request, which by same-origin is only possible in the page we served, and not some malicious third-party site, or any sort of link the user is tricked into clicking.
  • Dealing with XSS - All string inputs must be sanitized! Even though session JWT token is httpOnly XSS could still use logged in session, and traverse any CSRF method. While they can not get the JWT token, they can still send request from the browser as the logged in user. Also, we JSON.stringify the state into a <script> tag, so unsanitized input can potentially escape script and start new script tag running anything.

More notes on public API in Random Notes.

All mutations should be verified if the user is allowed to do the mutation in question. Does the user have the right permissions? Is time restrictions and deadlines held? All mutations with several steps should be transactions. Writes should be infrequent, so transactions will do.

ALL INPUT MUST BE SANITIZED! Seems like it is default, so no html characters, I could not inject through meal;

Structure and architecture

This is an isomorphic app, with all styling pre-bundled, and delivered on any page load. The philosophy is that we stick mainly to bootstrap, with only a few extensions which does not increase bundle size that much.

Bootstrap is fairly well optimized for the modern browser, so pulling the whole thing is not to bad (ca. 118 kb). This also seem to be the standard, as there are not a lot of work done on isomorphic style loading (only one repo as far as I can see). Can be compressed with gzip to something like 20 kb.

Async components

To keep the bundle size of the app to a minimum, we use code splitting to make all non-immediate components split from the main bundle. These can then be downloaded on demand. It all hinges on the import() statement.

At compile time, webpack takes any import() statement, dereference its path and bundles that code with dependencies into a separate bundle. When that same import() statement is reached at run-time, it returns a promise that returns the module we split of.

A problem arises though... These components should only be asynchronous on the client. To solve this problem, we do make a module that uses require instead of import() because it is synchronous, and with NaromalModuleReplacementPlugin make the server use the synchronous module when bundled up.

This however creates yet another problem. Even though the client gets the page server-side rendered, when running the bundle code, it thinks it has to load the component asynchronously. Because asynchronous components don't show while loading, this happens:

  • Client gets server-side rendered page in all its glory!
  • Bundle starts loading the required component with all the code necessary to run it, but while it waits, shows nothing, ie. removes the glorious sever-side rendered content.
  • Component is asynchronously loaded, mounts the component and everything is good again.

So as we can see, our efforts are ruined. We want the server to tell the client which async components are already rendered, and make the client wait for those components to load before rendering the app.

This is communicated through Redux. When server renders an async component, it fires a register event, which makes the store remember the key for the component it rendered. Before the client renders, it waits for all the async components indexed by the keys the server sends. These components are stored in a map, again indexed by their keys. This is so when the async route is rendered and it discovers that the server has already rendered it, it uses the component from the "loaded components" map instead of loading it itself through import().

This works, and has some added benefits!

  • Hot Module Reloading can still be achieved if the client synchronously loads components instead of asynchronously. This is a simple matter of bundling the client with the same NaromalModuleReplacementPlugin trick as with the server.
  • We can prevent waterfall downloading, by taking the registered routes after the app rendered on the server side, and use those keys to add <preload /> statements to the header on the server side.

The downside is that it introduces overhead, and is not very declarative. Two files must be created for each route we want to load asynchronously, and the key must be correct in a few places for it to work. The overhead is not to bad, as no tree walking occurs (which other solutions implement). The gains we achieve also greatly outweigh the overhead. With small app components, the code for any page of the app will download very fast, and even faster with the <preload /> trick. These components are also cacheable, so revisits are fast. The overhead in constructing the <preload /> serverside is small.

Random Notes


Target browser must be newer browser that supports HTML5, because of its browser history API. It is possible to instruct our router to do full refresh on every navigation, which we would do for non-HTML5. This can get complicated fast though, so for now just don't support.

Public API security

If we wanted our GraphQL API to be public, we could give out an API key, which is just another JWT token but with a different secret/header. Our API should then be able to verifiy either cookie+csrf or HTTP header with Authorization: Bearer jwt-api-key which is the standard OAuth pattern. A separate login page might be in order here.


Website for planning and coordianting comunal dinners. Written in Node.js and React. Implements a GraphQl API. Built with Webpack


Language:JavaScript 99.3%Language:CSS 0.5%Language:HTML 0.2%