peterbay / uvc-gadget

uvc-gadget with resolution changing and video controls

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Provide a cropping/viewport IPC

htruong opened this issue · comments

What will be a really useful feature for the webcam would be the ability to provide automatic panning/centering to the face. Face recognition is a rather simple task.

My recent poking around shows that access to the camera is not exclusive. Given that is true, we can run a opportunistic face recognition daemon on the pi independent of uvc-gadget and determine the frame that we should crop. Then all we need to do then is a IPC mechanism to communicate between uvc-gadget and the daemon to pan the frame.

I've been studying OpenCV face detection for just this purpose. I'm not sure if it is this simple, but it seems to me that today does:

CSI_INPUT --video-stream--> uvc-gadget --video-stream--> USB_OUTPUT

What we want to do is:

            /--video-stream--> OpenCV --padded-face-cordinates--> \
CSI_INPUT --                                                       \
            \--video-stream--> -----------------------------------> --> video_cropper_and_scaler --video-stream--> uvc-gadget --video-stream--> USB_OUTPUT

As silly as it sounds, that video_cropper_and_scaler may actually be ffmpeg.

I doubt the cropping would be done after uvc-gadget, but I haven't really grokked the source and destination drivers yets. I'm just starting this journey. It might be able to be done "in it".

Here are some references I need to study when I have had some sleep.

In branch new-code is now possible to send video stream from ffmpeg/gstreamer to uvc-gadget.