peter88tom / Bug-tracker

A responsive web application for tracking project bugs.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A responsive web application for tracking project bugs.


The application was developed and tested on linux based operating system so before running the application, make sure you're machine is python, pip and virtualenv installed. To install, open your terminal then install the following requirements. By default linux comes with Python installed so you can skip and install pip and virtualenv.

  • Python
$ sudo apt-get install python
  • pip(for managing project depencies)
$ sudo apt-get install pip
  • virtualenv(allow you to avoid installing python packages grobally)
$ pip install virtualenv
  • Cloning the project into your local machine

Once you finish installing the above basic requirements, you will have to clone the application from the repository to anywhere on your machine. here is the command:

$ git clone

The application will be cloned into Bug-tracker

  • Preparing project environment

Change directory to Bug-tracker

$ cd Bug-tracker

Now create a virtual environment by using the virtualenv we installed ealier

Bug-tracker$ virtualenv env

where env is a name of your choice.

Once that is done, we will have a folder env in our Bug-tracker project. Now let's activate the environment so that we can install our project requirements

Bug-tracker$ source env/bin/activate

Install requirements which is located on requirements.txt

(env)Bug-tracker$ pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Database Setup

While the environment is activate, migrate the database schema, We don't do any database settings on our admin/ because we are using SQLite which is the default django database

(env)Bug-tracker$ python migrate

With that command django will migrate our database scheme to SQLite.

In this stage we didn't run the makemigrations because the migrations files are include in the project located in app/migrations

  • Create super-user for creating projects in admin site of the application
(env)Bug-tracker$ python createsuperuser

Will be asked for username, email and password, fill in accondingly.

  • Collecting Static Files

Static files are css,javascript and image files that our project will be using. Django will compile them and improve loading when it want to use. Here is the command for collection static files

(env)Bug-tracker$ python collectstatic

Running the pp

Now we can start the application by using the following command

(env)Bug-tracker$ python runserver

This command will tell you where the application is running, click the link and visit the page and start creating bugs for listed projects.

To create projects you have to login into the admin site of the application. here is the a way to access admin site go to http://localhost:8000/admin

To login type in the username and password you created on createsuperuse command.

Built With

  • Python - Programming language used.

  • Django - Python framework used.

  • Django Rest Framework - API used to populate data for easy bugs and projects listing and filtering.

  • Vue.js - Used retrieve data from DRF, also Vue has empowered filtering of bugs by project.

  • SQLite - For storing projects and bugs.

  • Select2 - For searching projects when creating bugs.

  • Bootstrap- For making our application more responsive.


A responsive web application for tracking project bugs.


Language:JavaScript 93.3%Language:CSS 4.8%Language:Python 1.3%Language:HTML 0.7%