peter-evans / create-or-update-comment

A GitHub action to create or update an issue or pull request comment

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Error on PRs made by Dependabot

Andre601 opened this issue · comments

Not entirely sure what the cause of this could be... Maybe the GH token is not given while dependabot is making a PR?

Either way, here's the log:

And the workflow file used:

Hi @Andre601

If you want to give dependabot write permission to create comments then you need to use a PAT and store it in the dependabot secrets here:

Doesn't answer my question.
Is the issue caused by me not having the token assigned? Or is it a Permission issue?
If that, what perms would it need for the gh action to post on a pull request?

Thinking about this, could it be that the action targets the wrong repo for the comment?

Actually, looking closer at it, I think the main issue is, that the comment of Dependabot is treated as being from github-actions[bot]?
This seems kinda weird as the author is a different bot (dependabot)... So maybe a GitHub issue?

I replied a bit too quickly. After revisiting this I don't think you need a PAT because you are creating comments in the local repository.

Maybe the GH token is not given while dependabot is making a PR?

When dependabot triggers a workflow run, the default GITHUB_TOKEN has read-only permission. You can read about that in the docs here.

You can explicitly allow write permission by setting the following in your workflow.

  issues: write
  pull-requests: write

See an example here. (Note that you don't need contents for your case)

Okay, thanks.

Maybe it could be an idea to mention this requirement? Or just mention a recommendation to add these permissions.