persepolisdm / persepolis

Persepolis Download Manager is a GUI for aria2.

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Youtube Downloader Dependency

ghahramani opened this issue · comments


It seems Persepolise still requires youtube-dl in Manjaro distribution, could you please update it to the latest version that uses yt-dlp?

It gives the error below:

could not satisfy dependencies:
- unable to satisfy dependency 'youtube-dl' required by persepolis

Installation command

sudo pacman -S persepolis

Please tell me the output:
pacman -Ss persepolis

pacman -Ss persepolis
extra/persepolis 3.2.0-8
    Qt front-end for aria2 download manager
sudo pacman -S persepolis
resolving dependencies...
warning: cannot resolve "youtube-dl", a dependency of "persepolis"
:: The following package cannot be upgraded due to unresolvable dependencies:

It's ArchLinux output:

pacman -Ss persepolis
extra/persepolis 4.0.1-1
    Qt front-end for aria2 download manager

change your mirrors.

changing to what? this is my mirrorlist

## Manjaro Linux default mirrorlist
## Generated on 2024-04-20 18:10
## Please use 'pacman-mirrors -f [NUMBER] [NUMBER]' to modify mirrorlist
## (Use 0 for all mirrors)

## Country : United_Kingdom
Server =$repo/$arch

## Country : Global
Server =$repo/$arch

## Country : Netherlands
Server =$repo/$arch

## Country : France
Server =$repo/$arch

## Country : United_States
Server =$repo/$arch

## Country : Uruguay
Server =$repo/$arch

## Country : Ukraine
Server =$repo/$arch

## Country : China
Server =$repo/$arch

Sorry. I made a mistake. Manjaro repositories are different from ArchLinux.
I checked Manaro repositories. Apparently, new version of Persepolis is still in Manjaro testing repositories. checkout this link.

how can I install the testing package in Manjaro? and how long it does take to go to stable repo usually?

Unfortunately, I am not familiar with Manjaro. I am ArchLinux user. But maybe you can install Persepolis from AUR.

Ah I see, unfortunately, I tried the persepolis-git package with pamac but could not find it

pamac install persepolis-git
Error: target not found: persepolis-git

is there a option to install it via source code?

yes, Please checkout persepolis wiki.

Great, thank you. I successfully installed it.