perryraskin / trip-planner

An app to help with planning trips by offering a UI to compare trip components (e.g. hotel rooms)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Compare page

perryraskin opened this issue · comments


  • "Compare" as page title
  • Display name of trip and activity if the items being compared are within the same activity (e.g. hotel rooms - Puerto Rico > Hyatt Regency)
  • Display the type of activity and subtype if the items being compared are between separate activities (e.g. same type of hotel rooms but in different hotels - Lodging > Ocean Front Room)
  • Smaller headers being the things being compared
  • Hotel room comparison example: Photos, Amenities, Notes for each
  • Click on photo, enlarge


  • Get data from TripNotes, TripNoteImages, TripNoteItems tables