perl5-dbi / DBD-MariaDB

Perl MariaDB driver

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Passing credentials via options file fails to read password (mariadb_read_default_file)

hadjiprocopis opened this issue · comments

I am storing DB credentials into a text file and tell the driver via the DSN string to read them. In MySQL this DSN string worked:

with said file to contain this:


Now, I am migrating to MariaDB and my adjusted DSN string is:

This causes an error:
failed: Access denied for user 'test'@'localhost' (using password: NO) at ...

Please note that it reads the username correctly (test) but does not see the password field(?).

Thank you

(Edit: I have posted the same question over at PerlMonks a few days ago:

It seems to work (correct me if I'm wrong) if you use undef instead of an empty string for the password in the connect incantation.

Thank you choroba++ that did it!

And sorry I saw your solution at PerlMonks ( too late.

I think the solution provided by choroba resolves my issue. thank you.