perl5-dbi / DBD-MariaDB

Perl MariaDB driver

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test case fails with mysql 8.0.22

xnox opened this issue · comments

with 8.0.22, which had changes to ROUND() the above returns 1.7 and test case fails.

I'm not sure if the mysql changes are intentional and good, or if the test case assertion now needs to become micro-point release aware and accept either 1.70 or 1.7 as valid results.

Maybe sql query or the perl syntax to compare equivalence, rather than exact string. I don't speak perl.

Grep for ROUND() in

I don't speak perl

--- libdbd-mariadb-perl-1.21.orig/t/rt122541-decimals.t
+++ libdbd-mariadb-perl-1.21/t/rt122541-decimals.t
@@ -14,6 +14,6 @@ plan tests => 2;
 for my $mariadb_server_prepare (0, 1) {
 	$dbh->{mariadb_server_prepare} = $mariadb_server_prepare;
-	is $dbh->selectrow_arrayref('SELECT round(degrees(0.00043) * 69, 2)')->[0], '1.70',
+	like $dbh->selectrow_arrayref('SELECT round(degrees(0.00043) * 69, 2)')->[0], qr/1.70?/,
 		'floats with fixed-length of decimals returns correct value for mariadb_server_prepare=' . $mariadb_server_prepare;

I'd use qr/^1\.70?$/ but otherwise seems to capture the change.


Well, that test t/rt122541-decimals.t checks that bugs perl5-dbi/DBD-mysql#170 were fixed and ZEROFILL_FLAG (appending trailing zeros) works in DBD::MariaDB correctly. Therefore removal of trailing zeros from expected result is wrong as this test does not do anything.

If MySQL server changed behavior of some functions then it is required to write some new test for ZEROFILL_FLAG to ensure that this flags is implemented correctly.


@xnox Could you please run this command against your MySQL server?

mysql --column-type-info -e 'SELECT round(degrees(0.00043) * 69, 2);'

Argument --column-type-info is important as it prints type information about result. Based on this I could try to prepare some fix.

For example against MariaDB 10.3.39 it returns:

Field   1:  `round(degrees(0.00043) * 69, 2)`
Catalog:    `def`
Database:   ``
Table:      ``
Org_table:  ``
Type:       DOUBLE
Collation:  binary (63)
Length:     19
Max_length: 4
Decimals:   2

| round(degrees(0.00043) * 69, 2) |
|                            1.70 |

@maxbarry: Maybe you could help here too to provide output from above command?

~$ sudo mysql --column-type-info -e 'SELECT round(degrees(0.00043) * 69, 2);'
Field   1:  `round(degrees(0.00043) * 69, 2)`
Catalog:    `def`
Database:   ``
Table:      ``
Org_table:  ``
Type:       DOUBLE
Collation:  binary (63)
Length:     23
Max_length: 3
Decimals:   31

| round(degrees(0.00043) * 69, 2) |
|                             1.7 |
~$ mysql --version
mysql  Ver 8.0.34-0ubuntu0.23.04.1 for Linux on x86_64 ((Ubuntu))

Thank you very much for the output.

Now I see that "Decimals" field is reported incorrectly. Values below 31 means number of fixed decimal digits. Value 31 and above are special, 31 means NOT_FIXED_DEC (number of decimal digits is not fixed).

So this looks like a bug that SQL function ROUND ignores number of digits or does not return correct information about decimal digits anymore, since that MySQL 8.0.22 version. I guess that this issue was introduced during fixing other issues mentioned in the changelog.

I'm really not sure what I can do with it...

@choroba any idea what we can do here? Skip the test at all as server does not return correct information needed for testing this particular feature?

Has the problem been reported upstream? Skipping the test doesn't seem right to me, as if someone depends on the correct behaviour, they probably don't want to get "all tests pass"...

I do not know if anybody reported it (have not found anything in tracker). So I sent an email for clarification about this issue, you can watch your mailbox...

I'm not sure when I will receive response regarding this issue, so I created pull request #192 for fixing MySQL 8.0 support and as temporary solution I chosen: Disable this problematic test on affected MySQL versions and add a new test which does not use ROUND() function but CAST() to DECIMAL type.