periodicpoint / arabica

A sound and versatile pandoc LaTeX boilerplate to produce academic books using Markdown files featuring YAML, KOMA-Script, BibLaTeX and CSL

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Getting error with defaults

eriksdev1 opened this issue · comments

Good day, I cloned the project and I'm getting a strange error I have not been able to sort out, I would really appreciate any pointers, here is my output

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.22621.1992]
(c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Users\Erik>pandoc -s -o ./output/projectname.pdf --data-dir=C:\Users\Erik\Downloads\arabica-master --filter pandoc-crossref --pdf-engine=xelatex --top-level-division=chapter --number-sections C:\Users\Erik\Downloads\arabica-master\core\ C:\Users\Erik\Downloads\arabica-master\settings\00_00_settings.yaml C:\Users\Erik\Downloads\arabica-master\metadata\00_00_metadata.yaml --template C:\Users\Erik\Downloads\arabica-master\controls\arabica.latex
Error producing PDF.
! Argument of \str_uppercase:n has an extra }.
<inserted text>
l.208   \setmainlanguage[]{}


Thanks in advance