pereirazc / scene

Rule-based platform for supporting situation specification, detection and lifecycle control.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


  • Developing with Eclipse

      $ mvn eclipse:eclipse
  • Building JAR File

      $ mvn package
  • Using the API

    A Situation specification is comprised by two artifats: a SituationType child class definition and a Situation Rule declaration. The SituationType definition structures the situation in terms of participant entity types for which individuals will be casted in a situation occurrence. The Situation API provides an annotation (@SituationRole) in order to tag the class fields representing entity types which play a well-defined role on the situation.

    A situation type declaration:

      public MySituation extends SituationType {
              @Role(label = "label1")
              private Entity role1;
              @Role(label = "labelN")
              private Entity roleN;
              //GETTERS AND SETTERS
  • Situation Rule

    A situation rule defines which conditions must be satisfied in order to establish a situation type occurrence. In its LHS the condition patterns must be related to identifiers which represents situation roles as declared on the respective SituationType class. The framework binds SituationRole-annotated fields with Situation Rule's LHS identifiers (label binding) in order to automate situation instatiation.

    A situation rule declaration:

      rule "MySituationRule"
                      label1: Entity(<constraint 1>, ... ,<constraint N>)
      				labelN: Entity(<constraint 1'>, ... ,<constraint N'>)

    In the Situation Rule's consequence (RHS) the situationDetected API method must be called passing as argument the correct Situation Type class. In addition, the drools argument also passed into is a exclusive RHS object which comprises the rule activation context, containing, by example, the set of objects (facts) satisfying the rule instance.

  • Situation-Aware KnowledgeSession

      //create new SituationKnowledgeBuilder
      KnowledgeBuilder kbuilder = SituationKnowledgeBuilderFactory.newKnowledgeBuilder();
      //create new Situation-Aware Knowledge Base
      KnowledgeBase kbase = SituationKnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeBase(kbuilder);		


Rule-based platform for supporting situation specification, detection and lifecycle control.


Language:Java 100.0%